TUNIS extension board documentation
This application and its documentation website are still works in progress
TUNIS board is an extension board for Nucleo microcontroller board. It facilitates connections between a Nucleo board and other components (as function generators, oscilloscopes, DC motor…).
It was developed for covering two main applications in the engineer training proposed at the Institut d’Optique :
audio signals processing (in stereo mode)
DC motor control (position or speed control)
In our case, a Nucleo L476RG board from STMicroelectronics is used. The STM32 microcontroller is programmed using Arm Keil Studio (and MBED-OS library).
The GitHub repository of this project : tunis-board
A set of tutorials for MBED-OS and Nucleo boards are available on the LEnsE website : Nucleo and MBED-OS Tutorials
GUI Tutorials
About the LEnsE
This is a test.